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Just 4 share....
- Trying to escape from reality....trying and failing -

Posting awal dunk....

Wah...gak sadar juga. Ternyata aq dah punya blog sejak November taun 2008. Hahaha....akhirnya bisa deh punya bloh lagi. Thx alot buat temen saya yang sangat baik banget nih, Regvred Reinaldo yang uda bantu bikin ni blog. Thx alot deh. Cuma sori yah, sementara aq nebeng theme mu dulu. Coz bagus banget sih. Hehehe...

Moga2 blog ini bermanfaat buat smua deh. Mohon dukungannya.
Thx all...

Faith - About Me

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Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole stairs. But, Faithside is taking the first step to reach your success in life. So, this blog's name is Faithside... :D

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